Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Was Clearly Born in the Wrong Century

So the impetus for this blog came on Saturday night at "Game Club" with our Minnesota friends when I mentioned that it was quite clear that I was born in the wrong century. All the evidence points to this conclusion, and those who know me well would probably agree. So in true Dwight Schrute style, I present the FACTS!

FACT: I was literally the last person on Earth to give up my 35mm film camera. I do like my digital camera now, but I predicted years ago what would happen if I made the transition...I've had my camera for over two years now, and I've yet to develop a single photo. I just found my old camera the other day, but I reluctantly dusted it off and placed it gently in the box for Goodwill.

FACT: I have been trying to convince Mike that cell phones are a "want" rather than a "need." We are thinking about going back to the old "land line" or at least downsizing to one phone with a local plan.

FACT: I've always been so impressed that my grandma taught in a one-room school house. One of my nostalgic dreams is to set up a classroom where all different ages of kids are learning and working together. I've read about one-room schoolhouses that still exist in extremely rural areas. Since I don't anticipate a move anytime soon, my thought is to create a one-room schoolhouse in our home. Let's child per year for eight years, and I'll have a small crew of kiddos to teach!

FACT: I REFUSE with everything I have to get a GPS for my car. I understand that I might benefit from it since I have a "little" trouble with north, south, east, and west, but Mike is pushing pretty hard for it. I will stand my ground! What ever happened to map reading? What ever happened to getting lost and figuring it out? What ever happened to avoiding driving into lakes or onto imaginary ferries? No GPS for this girl.

FACT: I want to make my own soap, clothes, and food. I am curious about cloth diapers. I'd like to have a huge garden, so I can make all kinds of yummy food for winter. Staying at home would be my "dream job!"

And so I recognize these facts point to the undeniable truth...I was meant to be born in 1880! I apologize to my "modern friends" for my lack of pop culture knowledge, TV show trivia, and sense of direction, but what can you really expect from a nineteenth century hottie :)


  1. Oh Tiff, if we could only send you back in time. It's cool that you want to say no to some of our modern convienences, but then how would we know who Dwight Schrute is?

    I think you and Mike need to start working on 'pupils' for your school. . . hehe.

  2. I agree with Carolyn, and went from having 6 kids to 8 now! Wow! You better get cracking girl :)

    I have to say i absolutely love my GPS:)

  3. Where's your sense of adventure? Isn't there something magical about getting lost and having to figure out your way home? :)
